Top 7 Ecommerce Mobile App Marketing Strategies

Top 7 Ecommerce Mobile App Marketing Strategies

Smartphones are the most common device in today’s world. According to a report from Statista, The global smartphone user base will reach 6.5 billion by 2022 and 7.6 billion by 2027. This fact indicates that ecommerce mobile app are the future of marketing.

Now, organizations don’t rely on newspaper ads, website banners, billboards, email marketing, and other means of customer attraction. Many enterprises are already using mobile marketing, and more are planning to do so.

Most ecommerce businesses develop mobile applications and websites for their customers through which they can purchase their products. Mobile usage has surpassed desktop usage, with smartphones accounting for 58% of online visits in 2021.

It’s crucial to keep up with the most recent ecommerce marketing trends and strategies for your organization, regardless of whether your online retail shop is just getting off the ground or is at the stage where it is sustaining a sizable customer base.

Ecommerce Mobile App Marketing Strategies

Without a mobile application for their stores, Ecommerce store owners struggle to realize their full potential in a world where everything is shifting toward mobile commerce.

The benefits of ecommerce applications include increased consumer loyalty, increased brand recognition, and suitable market visibility. To attract customers, you can also use mobile app marketing tools. The following are some essential tactics for brand app marketing for your business.

  • App store optimization
  • Email marketing
  • Promote App on the website
  • Content marketing
  • Viral loops
  • Social media marketing
  • PR campaigns

App Store Optimization (ASO)

Google Play boasts more than 3.6 million apps, while Apple App Store ranks second with more than 2.7 million apps. It is challenging to drive visibility and installations in such a competitive landscape.

One of the essential app marketing techniques to use on both the App Store and Google Play Store is app store optimization. The main objective of app store optimization is to maximize the possibility that people will find the mobile app. ASO boosts the app’s discussion rate in the app store and raises the app’s visibility for its target keywords when used effectively.

ASO is technically concerned with optimizing the following app marketing elements.

  • Keywords
  • Title
  • Description
  • Icon
  • Category

ASO is crucial to your brand’s app marketing initiatives and aids in making it stand out from other apps available. It is a long-term strategy that should begin before the app is released to the market and continue throughout its lifecycle. Numerous ASO solutions can fully redesign your app.

Email Marketing

Sending promotional emails to people who have subscribed to receive them is a broad definition of email marketing. It assists app marketers in addressing app user churn, the issue that affects the entire business when consumers stop using an app after a short while.

Email marketing can convey various information to customers, such as new product launches, discount and sales notifications, order confirmations, order status, and product restocking. And such emails typically have a high open rate.

To use email marketing effectively, you must first identify the appropriate use case so that the speed of information delivery that email can provide is relevant. In other words, email marketing is great for sending weekly/monthly app updates, but for a quick message, you should use push notifications or in-app messages.

Customers who have previously purchased from your website often receive such emails. As a result, they are likely to install the app and place their next order through the app.

Promote App on the Website

It is the simplest and most effective way to promote your app. Make a prominent banner to promote your app on your website. It’s a small banner near the top of your website. It displays your app’s icon, some app details, and ratings.

Users navigate to the app download page after clicking the banner. It will save them the trouble of opening the app store, searching for the app name, detecting your app among the others, and installing it.

You can entice visitors with appealing offers to drive more installations. For example, you could offer 10% off if people buy from your mobile apps. Such incentives will entice people to download your app.

Content Marketing

Every mobile app performs a specific function, which is why it is always associated with several topics. These subjects offer a fantastic chance for an app marketer to use content marketing to promote the app.

It entails writing articles for publication in media related to the app and creating a blog to cover the app. According to data, businesses that maintain a consistent blog presence receive 126% more leads than those that do not.

The articles and blog posts created as a result of implementing the content marketing strategy serve as a resource for potential app users. and host the publications of thousands of professionals in various fields.

Viral Loop

One of the most important ecommerce mobile app marketing strategies is to create a viral loop referral. You must differentiate your app from others so that people prefer your app over others. Try to offer them time-limited deals, cashback, discounts, and other incentives.

Viral loops are great ways to increase the number of people who use your mobile app. Create something worth sharing, such as high scores or shared experiences, and make it simple for users to tell others about your app’s greatness.

Dropbox’s user base increased by more than 3,900%. Because of a viral loop referral program that it created. The viral loop has benefited big enterprises like PayPal, Uber, and Airbnb.

Social Media Marketing via Influencers

It is a good idea to post on your social media channels regularly and to use them for more than just product promotion. Social media, for example, is an excellent way to build a community and solicit feedback from users who would not be motivated to contact you in-app or through your website.

Social media platforms can significantly assist you in reaching your target audience. Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram allow you to expand your web presence and engage with potential customers.

Content for your social media channels can include blog posts, discussion threads, and user-generated content.

Another effective way to promote your mobile app is to launch a social media campaign with influencers. Influencers are non-celebrities with a large following on social media, blogs, and YouTube. In 2022, influencer marketing will grow by 72.5%.

They have a significant impact on the audience’s purchasing decisions. That is why they are so crucial in today’s marketing strategy.

PR Campaigns

Public relations (PR) entails sending press releases about your app to various media outlets. It requires developing and maintaining a list of journalists to pitch to and having the patience to pursue them over time.

App marketers should always be realistic about their apps’ chances of receiving coverage in tech media. With so many iterations of the same app concept competing with each other, editors have no choice but to be laser-focused on the best apps, which are almost certainly already featured.


Developing an incredible smartphone app does not guarantee success. You will still need to invest time and energy to promote it. The most crucial aspect of app marketing strategies to remember is that there is no such thing as the best marketing strategy. The success of any app marketing campaign is always dependent on the clever combination of several approaches.

To be best, optimize your ecommerce mobile app for app stores and display your knowledge on specialized forums. Finally, use the techniques discussed earlier to create a thoughtful marketing plan that will entice customers to download and use your app.

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About the Author: admin

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